Late registration:
Sunday, April 6th 10:00 - 11:30 am at the Marina Plunge Site
Live Streaming:
The event will be filmed and live streamed for all of your friends and family to watch. We will share the link with all plungers closer to the day of the plunge.
Sunday, April 6th 10:00 - 11:30 am at the Marina Plunge Site
Live Streaming:
The event will be filmed and live streamed for all of your friends and family to watch. We will share the link with all plungers closer to the day of the plunge.
1. What should I wear?
Good question! What you plunge in is totally up to you! Costumes are totally encouraged (and there's a prize for best costume!), uniforms are great, or just your scivvy's are fine too. Experienced plungers almost always wear footwear of some kind, so that's a hot tip (for a cooool plunge). Try not to wear things that will come off in the water - we don't need the fishies eating your plastic glued-on decor for the rest of the spring.
2. An awesome donor gave me a cheque/cash in person instead of online! What do I do??
Congrats! While getting online donations is best, some people just like to see the money change hands. Please make sure ALL cheque donations are made out to Roots Community Food Centre - the donation will be split between the organizations still. If someone hands you a donation in person we need all the information recorded on the pledge form (including their email - not yours) for them to get a donation receipt. If you want that donation to show up on your fundraising page, you need to bring it to the Roots CFC office at 450 Fort William Rd, with all of the donor details so that we can enter it.
3. What kind of set up will be at the Plunge site?
Good question! It's pretty simple. There's a spectator area, there's a hole carved in the ice near where the boats put in at the marina, and a few brave divers will be in the water to assist you out after you plunge. After you plunge, a large heated tent will be set up for you to change into some warm and dry clothes. Bring a towel or two (one to stand on while you change?) to get you into warm and dry clothing as fast as possible!
4. Can my friends and family come and watch?
Bring your support crew (towel holder, driver etc). We will also send all plungers a link to share with their friends and family so they can watch you plunge in real time if they can't make it to the plunge site in person!
5. Can I sign up team members myself?
Nope! We need to make sure that everyone has read and understands the waiver and knows the details! You can invite people to join your team on your fundraising page, send them the sign up link, and get them started. If you have any issues signing up, please feel free to contact us!
6. I don't really swim (especially when I can't feel my limbs in near freezing water!) Now what?
Ok- well mad props to you! Here's a few things that should help you feel better. There are divers in the water who will help you out right away! And, if you're still not sure, make a lifejacket part of your costume! There's no shame here! This is all for fun and all for great community causes!
7. Will there be food and drinks?
There will a limited amount of hot chocolate and coffee and new for 2025, there will be a hot dog stand to warm you up!
8. Where should I park?
There's plenty of space to park at the Marina and parking is free on the day of the plunge! The Plunge takes place at the boat launch area of the Marina, so try to park in around there. It'll get busy though so bring some warm clothes to walk to and from the Plunge site in.
9. It's Plunge Day! Am I too late to register?!
Fool! This is us shaking our head at you. but... no - you're not too late. There is a last minute registration for those that wake up on the 6th with serious FOMO, grab your suit, run to the Marina and register before 10:30 am and we'll let you PLUNGE. But seriously.... why wait!
Good question! What you plunge in is totally up to you! Costumes are totally encouraged (and there's a prize for best costume!), uniforms are great, or just your scivvy's are fine too. Experienced plungers almost always wear footwear of some kind, so that's a hot tip (for a cooool plunge). Try not to wear things that will come off in the water - we don't need the fishies eating your plastic glued-on decor for the rest of the spring.
2. An awesome donor gave me a cheque/cash in person instead of online! What do I do??
Congrats! While getting online donations is best, some people just like to see the money change hands. Please make sure ALL cheque donations are made out to Roots Community Food Centre - the donation will be split between the organizations still. If someone hands you a donation in person we need all the information recorded on the pledge form (including their email - not yours) for them to get a donation receipt. If you want that donation to show up on your fundraising page, you need to bring it to the Roots CFC office at 450 Fort William Rd, with all of the donor details so that we can enter it.
3. What kind of set up will be at the Plunge site?
Good question! It's pretty simple. There's a spectator area, there's a hole carved in the ice near where the boats put in at the marina, and a few brave divers will be in the water to assist you out after you plunge. After you plunge, a large heated tent will be set up for you to change into some warm and dry clothes. Bring a towel or two (one to stand on while you change?) to get you into warm and dry clothing as fast as possible!
4. Can my friends and family come and watch?
Bring your support crew (towel holder, driver etc). We will also send all plungers a link to share with their friends and family so they can watch you plunge in real time if they can't make it to the plunge site in person!
5. Can I sign up team members myself?
Nope! We need to make sure that everyone has read and understands the waiver and knows the details! You can invite people to join your team on your fundraising page, send them the sign up link, and get them started. If you have any issues signing up, please feel free to contact us!
6. I don't really swim (especially when I can't feel my limbs in near freezing water!) Now what?
Ok- well mad props to you! Here's a few things that should help you feel better. There are divers in the water who will help you out right away! And, if you're still not sure, make a lifejacket part of your costume! There's no shame here! This is all for fun and all for great community causes!
7. Will there be food and drinks?
There will a limited amount of hot chocolate and coffee and new for 2025, there will be a hot dog stand to warm you up!
8. Where should I park?
There's plenty of space to park at the Marina and parking is free on the day of the plunge! The Plunge takes place at the boat launch area of the Marina, so try to park in around there. It'll get busy though so bring some warm clothes to walk to and from the Plunge site in.
9. It's Plunge Day! Am I too late to register?!
Fool! This is us shaking our head at you. but... no - you're not too late. There is a last minute registration for those that wake up on the 6th with serious FOMO, grab your suit, run to the Marina and register before 10:30 am and we'll let you PLUNGE. But seriously.... why wait!